Supercharge Cloud Cost Optimization and Security

Elevate your cloud strategy with CloudOptimo's cost optimization and security solutions for AWS and Azure. Achieve significant savings and fortified security from day one.

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CloudOptimo Recognized as a G2 Leader in Six Categories

Achieving G2 leadership in six categories is a testament to our relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation in cloud cost optimization. It reflects our commitment to not only meet but exceed customer expectations with advanced and effective solutions.

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Trusted By Leading Institutions

Looking for ways to optimize cost ?


Easily identify and eliminate waste.

Savings Analyzer will help you to gain fine-grained visibility and segregation of your cloud spending based on deployment environments and application architecture. It allows you to easily track budgets and analyze spending patterns to reduce waste and lower overall costs in the cloud.


Perfectly size your instances to avoid wastage

The OptimoSizing recommendations helps you identify cost-saving opportunities by downsizing or terminating instances in Amazon EC2. Rightsizing recommendations analyze your Amazon EC2 resources and usage to show opportunities for how you can lower your spending.

Expand your DevOps Team's Bandwidth

OptimoScheduler enables you to implement a company-wide policy to reduce wastage of non-critical resources (in Staging, QA Setups) by running them only during working days/hours and makes customers pay only for what they consume. It also enables your DevOps team to automate their routine tasks like taking backup, creating images etc. at the click of a button.


Reliably save 50%-90% on your EC2 workloads

Run Autoscaling clusters using Spot Instaces to drive down your costs with guaranteed SLAs. Our Intelligent Bidder gets you the safest spot instances at the lowest cost. Take advantage of CloudOptimo’s insights while selecting your Spot Instances based on interruption possibility and average saving percentage.

We made this platform to solve your problems.


Cost Governance

Continuously monitor & analyze your AWS Spend to keep costs under control. Use Cost Governance Dashboard to drill down and identify hidden costs. Helps you be sure that you are paying only for things that you need.


Savings Analysis

Our Savings Analyzer Engine helps you gain fine-grained visibility and segregation of your cloud spending based on deployment environments and application architecture. Save money by eliminating unused and idle resources.


Cost Optimization

CloudOptimo helps you utilize Spot Instances to reduce your costs between 50%-90% with guranteed SLAs and without any data loss. Intelligent Bidder that always gets you the least expensive Spot Instance keeping reliability in mind.



OptimoSizing engine analyzes your Amazon EC2 resources and usage patterns with novel algorithms to show opportunities to lower your spending by selecting appropriate instance type for particular workload. Take a data-driven approach rather than a hunch while selecting instance types.


DevOps Automation

Implement a company-wide policy to reduce wastage of non-critical resources (in Staging, QA Setups) by running machines only during working days/hours. Also, automate tasks like taking DB backups, creating machine images, archiving data, deleting old snapshots etc.


Cloud Security & Compliance

OptimoSecurity empower companies to identify and remediate risks through security assessments and automated compliance monitoring. OptimoSecurity has more than 500 policies for AWS helping customers adhere to standards like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, ISO, NIST, AWS Well Architected Framework etc.

Maximize Your Cloud Potential

Streamline your cloud infrastructure for cost-efficiency and enhanced security. Discover how CloudOptimo can optimize your AWS and Azure services.